November 30th, 2007
Sorry I know this is a little out of order but I neglected to share an awesome night of food, fun friends & dancing. Rob's work always put together such a great Christmas party every year at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. They had a great dinner and after they had dancing and it was really a lot of fun. Rob was still really sick but he was such a trooper. He is a really great dancer and so we had a lot of fun. I have been trying to learn some more swing, ballroom, cha cha, and fox trot so it was a lot of fun to try some of the moves. We even did some country swing and polka. I am still learning more and really enjoying it. He is constantly teaching me and some of our favorite date nights are dancing around our basement to Michael Buble after the kids have gone to bed. SO FUN!!! I love it. A special thanks to my sister Shannon, she came out and played with the 3 little ones so we could go. They all had a great time with her and couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had.