July 9th and 10th
Rob's Grandma passed away on Monday so we drove down to Richfield for her funeral on Friday. We stayed in a hotel over night so we could make it to the viewing and funeral. Rob's Grandma was an amazing person my kids looked up to and loved their visits with her so much. She was an excellent seamstress and made a blanket for all the grand kids. She was also a great cook and homemaker. She was very giving person. Rob loved her homemade beans and he and Justin loved playing guns on their farm. We especially loved visiting big rock candy mountain while there too. Grandma always catered to all of us and waited on you when you visited. I am so glad we went and visited her the week before she passed away. She will be so missed, we love you grandma!
The kids at the viewing Friday night. Katie had made a special card for grandma after our visit the week before and I hadn't mailed it yet when we found out she had passed away Katie was so sad she said "but I didn't get to send her my card yet and now she won't get to see it" I promised her we would take it to the viewing. Katie was so excited to leave it in the casket with grandma. After the viewing we had dinner then we took the kids swimming at the hotel.
Katie and Megan with their uncle Scott at viewing.
Great Grandpa and Grandpa talking at the viewing. Great Grandpa was so cute and together I was so impressed by him.
July 10th today after breakfast we went to the church for the viewing and funeral. It was such a beautiful funeral. Everyone did such a great job. The grandchildren all sang I am a child of God, with several added new verses, Rob's dad and sister's husband spoke and did a great job. It was a beautiful day. Then we headed to the cemetery. Rob was a Paul bearer.
Rob's dad dedicated the grave and it was a beautiful prayer.
Here is Megan giving Great Grandpa roses she couldn't stop giving him flowers, it was so cute.
Justin at grave.
Megan at grave.
Megan and Katie at the graveside.
Ryan dressed with flowers.
Grandpa, Rob an his brother Scott!
Rob, Ryan, Justin, Great Grandpa, Rob's dad, & brother Scott at the luncheon after the funeral.
Justin was such a great helper after the lunch. He helped clear all the tables, picked up the garbage, swept the floors etc. Everyone was so impressed by his helpfulness and without even being asked to do any of it!
After the funeral we decided to all head to Big rock Candy mountain, a tradition for our family we always had to go when we came down to see Grandma and Grandpa.
Katie and Megan with Rob at the mountain.
Justin climbing the soda springs.
Megan and her cousin Tyler looking for chocolate and vanilla rocks.
Nicole and Ryan and Justin in the back, I'm holding up my chocolate and vanilla rocks I found to throw in the pit for the little people to make into candy.
The kids eating some of the rock candy from the store. This was the good stuff the rocks that had allready been made into the candy! Yum. It doesn't look like they are enjoying it but they really did like it. Thanks grandma for buying the candy to enjoy.
Our family decided to go to Cove Fort also on the way home. We watched a short video about the fort then went on a tour of it all. It was really neat and the kids really enjoyed this.
Above-Rob letting Katie look through the fort windows. Below- Our family up on top of the fort!
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