Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas with Rob's family!

December 2008
Tonight we had our Christmas with Rob's family. Usually we sing some songs, then we act out the story of Jesus being born, and then each family does something of their choice. Then we all exchange our gifts with one another and open them. It is really nice.

Justin and Rob were inkeepers. They let Mary and Joseph use their stable.

Katie was an angel!Mary and her donkey coming to knock on Rob and Justins inn too see if they had any room.

The actors and actresses!

Katie sang a song "The very best part of Christmas time" She did very well!

Justin played Up on the Housetop on the piano, he played it perfectly!

All the kids playing the bells!

After opening our presents the grandkids all wanted to put on their new jammies from Grandma and Grandpa. They were all princesses and Superman and Justin was Batman, they looked cute!

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