Tiana, Justin and Katie playing on the swings.
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, August 25, 2008
Fun with friends!
FHE funny!
Laundry and Garbage head!
Rob's passion!
If Rob could have his way he would Mountain Bike every day! He loves it. If ever a hard day at work or just needing something fun to do to get his mind off things this is it. He can go on a great ride and come home refreshed and energized. I am so glad he has so many hobbies and things to do. I love to mountain bike with him it is one sport I took for granted before I met him. I used to think that can't be that hard, just a ton of fun, but quite the contrary. It is one of the hardest things I have done. Mountains are fun to come down on but biking up them is really another story. But what a workout. It is also one of the most beautiful ways to see the mountains the views are stunning, and the best part is the rush you feel coming down, wind in your hair and all. It is really a ton of fun. I love that you love it hun. Sorry I am still such a whimp when we go. I think I am having the ride of my life and scared to death all at the same time and sometimes I feel bad because I know that he is just there to support me because I know the rides he normally does are about 20 times harder and more fun. So thanks for your patience and having fun with me when we go. And I am glad that he get's to have that free time on his own too. Love ya!
So Big! But "TROUBLE"
Wow my baby is growing up. She is such a little person now. I love that cute girl. What a smile. Her whole face lights up. But she can sure cause some "TROUBLE" too. For about 2 weeks now our toilet has been flooding over every time someone uses it. Let's just say it has not been fun and an incredibly large mess. And we would forget to get the snake from Rob's parents so we have told the kids not to use the toilet until dad could fix it. Well after it flooded over and we had about 1/2 inch of water on the floor and leaking into the basement I decided that it was time to get it fixed. Deep inside I just knew that Megan was at the bottom of our toilet problem. Well I called Rob and told him to stop by his parents and get the snake and he came home and took care of the problem... needless to say I was right. He found this fork in there. Megan had put this in the toilet and ever since all the plunging in the world wasn't going to help. But now the problem is fixed so we are all happy again. Now everyone tells me whenever something is missing as a joke...why don't you check the toilet maybe it's in there. Ha Ha but true. We love you Megan we are just being extra careful at keeping the bathroom doors closed now.
Growing tomatos, and other things too...
Today Katie and Justin came in and told me I had to come out and see what was growing in the garden...I said I would be out in one minute...when I got outside they had these metal garden things over their heads and said they were tomatos...Those are sure two of the biggest and cutest little tomatos I have ever seen! What do you think?
Any cash dad?
Cute Katie!
Katie wore one of my dresses I had as a kid today and she looked so cute. I was amazed it was in such good condition. She is such my little princess. But is also very independent too. A great kid but want's her space. I Love that about her. Thanks for being such a good kid. We are sure proud of you. Justin got ahold of my camera and took the other picture of her and I was impressed how well it turned out. Good job.
Thanks Jen!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
As a comment, leave a favorite memory you have of me. If, by chance, we've never met in person, just tell me something that will make me smile. :)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Which princess are you?
You Are Snow White!
Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path.
So I took this quiz and this is what it told me. Pretty amazing.
http://www.greatestjournal.com/quiz.bml?Q=16354 (this is where the quiz is if you want to see who you are. I couldn't get the link on my blog my computer wouldn't let me).
Blog Tip:Google Reader! Thanks Shannon!
Primary Activity!
Megan had fun playing with Molly and Shadow (the dogs). I was amazed at how playful she was with them and she had no fear of them. She does need to be a litlle softer though. She loves dogs.
South Pacific!
It's Electric...
Sneaky Kids!
Wow time flies!
Oh we're goin to the zoo zoo zoo....
Silly kiddos. They were all putting these on being funny.
Looking at the silly Monkeys
Megan, Brinley, Ryker, jackson, Breckin, Ashlyn, Justin & Katie (cousin party with the spitting elephant)!
Katie & Justin waiting so patiently to ride the train. Justin was especially excited since last year we waited until the end of the day to ride the train and it had derailed and wasn't working. That cruched our little train lover. So this year he reminded us to ride the train first, so we did.
Justin, Katie and Megan on the train
Something caught Megan and Grandma's eye, I loved this picture.
Justin and Katie looking at the animals they were so excited they kept pointing to each one then laughing.