Justin's first day of Kindergarten!
Justin coming out of school with his treat.
Justin in front of his school!
So today I had to come to grips with the fact that my first little baby boy is not a baby anymore. That he has grown up into such an amazing big boy. We all took him to school today and wished him well. Mom couldn't help but cry, I was so excited for him and it was such a bitter sweet to see him off to school. Rob commented poor kid I just got out of school and was so happy and look how happy he is to go...what a journey he has ahead of him. Hopefully he will keep on loving it and have a desire to learn. He has been so excited for such a long time. Since he is a september birthday he just barely missed going to school last year with so many of his other friends so he was anxious to start. It seems like yesterday that we brought that little bundle home from the hospital though, so it is hard to see him all grown up. The night before it was so fun while tucking him in we just talked for about 20-30 minutes and he told me so many great things. Then I looked to the side of his bed and saw his picture book and we started to look at so many of his baby pictures and rememner stories. It was so fun to sit and talk to him and remember so many fun memories. He just laughed and giggled, and we cried together. He is one amazing and special little boy that I love so much. We are so grateful to have him in our family. He is such a big help and a great big brother and I know he willl be a great help to his teacher and other classmates. When he woke up this morning he was dressed, bed made, room cleaned, and he had his backpack on. He came in and woke Rob and I up at 6:30. He was ready and he did not want to be late. He ate breakfast so fast and kept telling his sister to please eat faster he didn't want to be late on his 1st day. Little did he realize he still had an hour until school started. Well he made it on time. We took some pictures and found his other 2 friends Paige and Amy who were in his class and he lined up in front of the door. I could see the anxiety in his eyes and how excited he was. Finally his teacher came out and told them to put their hands on the shoulders of the child in front on him. I gave him a quick kiss and hug and told him I loved him and how proud of him we were and he said I know mom. And wished him well. I went home with tears in my eyes as I realized my whole life was about to change. And how lonely it felt with one less child running around. I'll be honest when it was time to pick him up I was there 10 minutes early waiting for him I was so anxious to see him again and hear all about his first day. He had a great time he came out with his teacher. He was the leader but then he stopped to hold the door open for all the other kids (so polite...yeah I am teaching him some good manners). Then he came out and got a sucker from his teacher and gave her a big high five and ran over to me. He was so cute and so happy to tell me what they did. He said they learned all the rules, and there were a lot of them, they read a book, talked, played outside, did a paper about the letter A and so much more. He really liked his teacher and he sat accross from Paige. He called both grandmas and daddy to tell all of them about his first day and how much fun he had. I thought that maybe his excitement would wear off after time but to be honest he is up just like the first day ready to go eating his breakfast with his backpack on every day so far, and just can't wait to go. Which makes me happy to know that he likes it so much and that he isn't dreading to go each day. I just hope it continues. Well Justin we are so happy for you, keep up the good work and remember what daddy told you in your blessing that if you try your best learning will be fun for you and you will exceed. I know that is true, you are so smart and will do great. Mom and dad and your sisters are so proud of you and you are such a great example to all of us.
Okay, this brings back memories. I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I read this. It's so hard to let them go! The hardest part for me was realizing that now they're going to have all these new influences in their lives. Some good, some...not so much. It makes it easier though when they come home happy and they've had a good time at school. What a good boy he is.
Thanks cutie I totally agree. By the way did you get the apricotts on your porch that I left you. If not you may want to go check they probubly aren't any good any more though. You are awesome.
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